Pieces of Sky

One painting of the sky a day, on a 4x6 canvas, for one year.

I began this project on May 1st, 2007. This project grew out of a desire to center and focus my artistic practice. The idea seemed simple - paint the sky once a day, every day, for a year, but I have realized that many complexities have arisen from this project. Taking one thing, one subject, and do an intense study of it. Do I perceive the sky differently now? How has the project itself evolved? I started thinking about ritual and tradition, and how creating a painting every day sets up a rhythm. What are the parameters of the ritual? Can other ideas germinate from that? repetition?

2007 - 2008

Presented in progress at Gallery Aferro in 2007: Pieces of Sky
252 4" x 6" paintings
oil on canvas

July 2007


Plein Air